Engineering Support Hours
RidgeRun, LLC is an embedded Linux product and service provider
RidgeRun, LLC is an embedded Linux product and service business founded in 2006. We are a high-touch company with +75 engineers focused on reducing our customer's time-to-market and product quality. We specialize in streaming media products and applications and are experts in GStreamer based technology.
RidgeRun can work on and offer support for any embedded Linux/GStreamer task that you would like to assign to our team or as an outsourcing resource of the engineering team that gives support to the project. Our most popular embedded linux support requests include:
Linux, including hardware bring up
Proof of concepts
GStreamer development or optimization
Standard Protocol Support
Drivers development or enhancement
System or application tuning
AI/CV Algorithm and model development and deployment

RidgeRun minimum PO includes 41 support hours at $135/h.
These hours can be used for any Linux/GStreamer related task. RidgeRun's main goal is to get the customer's product to market. We are experts in embedded streaming media products and applications based in GStreamer technology. RidgeRun's focus is to provide the infrastructure for streaming media product development.
For technical questions please send an email to or for questions related PO, please post your inquiry at our Contact Us link.
Please note that engineering Support Hours not used 6 months after the first/last support is provided will expire.
Minimum PO for Engineering Support Hours allows you to easily test the main features of the boards listed below.
Platforms Supported
Xilinx UltraScale+
i.MX6, i.MX8