The onvif device server is a library used for the implementation of the profile S of ONVIF which is designed for IP-based video systems. A Profile S device (e.g., an IP network camera or video encoder) is one that can send video data over an IP network to a Profile S client.
An example configuration of an ONVIF system may look like the next picture:

The library manages all the supported ONVIF requests and the necessary modifications of the streams by using the implementation of different interfaces.
We are currently working on updating and expanding the library, the newest version of the library supports the following requests:
Device service requests supported
GetDeviceInformation: Basic device information: Manufacturer, firmware version, ...
GetCapabilities: Here we can report the feature we support (or not).
GetServices: Services we support (Device and Media only)
SystemReboot: Reboots the system.
GetServiceCapabilities: Gets the configured capabilities of the device
GetUsers: Gets the available users
CreateUsers: Creates a new user
DeleteUsers: Removes a user
SetUser: Modifies the information of a user
GetSystemDayAndTime: Gets the system date and time
GetNetworkInterfaces: Gets the network interfaces information
SetNetworkInterfaces: Sets a network interface.
Media service requests supported
GetProfile: Get profile information by token
GetProfiles: Get the list of available profiles and their information
GetVideoSources: Get the list of physical video sources
GetVideoSourceConfigurations: Get list of video source configurations
RemoveVideoSourceConfiguration: Removes a video source configuration
AddVideoSourceConfiguration: Adds a video source configuration to an existing profile
SetVideoSourceConfiguration: Modifies a video source configuration
CreateProfile: Creates a new multimedia profile
DeleteProfile: Deletes a profile.
GetGuaranteedNumberOfVideoEncoderInstances: Gets the number of guaranteed instances of video encoders.
AddVideoEncoderConfiguration: Adds a video encoder configuration to a profile
SetVideoEncoderConfiguration: Modifies a video encoder configuration
GetVideoEncoderConfiguration - JPEG: Get video encoder configuration by name
GetVideoEncoderConfigurations: Get list of video encoder configurations
GetStreamUri: Get the Stream URI for a certain Profile
RemoveVideoEncoderConfiguration: Removes a video encoder configuration from a profile.
RemoveVideoSourceConfiguration: Removes a video source configuration from a profile.
GetVideoEncoderOptions: Gets all the options of the available video encoders.
Extra functionalities supported
AutoDiscovery: The clients will be able to detect the onvif server when it starts.
AutoSave: The programmer can enable and disable the autosave function, it outosaves every time there is a change in configuration or media profile.
Stay tuned for updates and learn more in our developer's wiki.
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